Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Last Tests

OB/GYN Office called last week and there is one more thing to test and then I am done. So far, all is normal! Nothing else wrong. Even ovulation hormone is in excellent range! That's great! Ohhhhhh..... BT, why are you so cruel?
But the Holidays are here and this is my favorite time of the year so I am making the best of it!!!!!


  1. I know! This condition is really unfair! Good Luck to you thirtiesgirl!

  2. BT really is so terrible and cruel. Thank you guys for following my blog and commenting. It is so nice to have company! Wishing all of your dreams and hopes to come true.

  3. Hello Casey, yes, this is right: BT is CRUEL!
    I am glad that I started this blog. I felt alone for so long! It nice to finally being able to converse about the issue with people that have gone through the same thing!
    I do not get discouraged and I am still hopeful that someday my DH and I will achieve parenthood.
