Thursday, June 9, 2011

Update- what a roller coaster ride!

So I went in today for a follow-up ultrasound. Since the OB told me Monday that the shape of the pregnancy sac was irregular and we saw nothing in it, I did not have high hopes. Well, the yolk sac and fetal pole were there today, no cardiac activity but the OB who performed ultrasound said it seems to be too early and I would be somewhere in the 5th week (it seems a bit off unless I ovulated later, and I got +HPT on 5/17/11). So I go back next week to see if heartbeat starts.
Also, I finally got HCG levels back. Well, they started high for me: 6338 on Monday 6/6/11 but they did not double. 7779 on Wednesday. :( Doc is concerned that they did not go as high as they would have liked. But he said it can happen. Some women's levels do not follow normal guidelines. Knowing of the BT though, like he said, it's still 50-50 at this point. My levels have never been that high that early on, I wish they would have doubled. Oh well.... I guess we will see. I have been walking around since Monday not feeling pregnant anymore and now we saw some progress and I am still on hold..... huhhhh......


  1. A fetal pole is great right?! I've never had that before and I assume it's because of the BT that my embryo's never make it to that stage. I am keeping such high hopes for you and keeping you in my prayers. I know you don't want to get your hopes up so I'll do it for you :) Take care hun - can't wait for next week.

  2. Here on the roller coaster with you! Hang on tight!

  3. Finding your blog from Lavonne and LisainSK..

    I too am a fellow IFer with a BT. I believe in miracles and I'm holding onto hope for you that you and your little peanut will get through this.

    I'll be thinking of you and checking back for GREAT updates!

    ♥ T
